News and events in Williamstown, Mass.
Composting with Bears in Mind08:06AM / Sunday, July 09, 2023 | |
MONTPELIER, Vt. — The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department says many people are having problems with bears looking for food near their homes, and with the food scrap ban in effect the department is providing tips for people who are composting at home so they can avoid attracting hungry bears. "We have been receiving lots of reports of bears on decks, tearing down bird feeders, wrecking beehives, killing chickens, and getting into trash, compost and garbage containers," said bear biologist Jaclyn Comeau. "We are offering some guidance on how to compost at home without attracting bears." "First though, to deter bears, bird feeders need to be taken
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Northern Berkshire Habitat Shed Raffle Raises Thousands 05:04PM / Saturday, July 08, 2023 | |
 The shed was built by McCann students and painted and decorated by Habitat volunteers. WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — A shed raffle has raised thousands of dollars for Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity. Habitat construction volunteers took a break from their latest project on Maple Street on Saturday to draw the winning name in the shed raffle. After a drum roll performed with screwdrivers and paint-stirring sticks, neighbor and elementary school student Mimi pulled out ticket stub number 125, bought by a Hinsdale resident. Sheds-N-Stuff in Cheshire will transport the shed to the winner's home. "What a fun, successful 0 Comments Read More >> |
Independence, Indigenous People Contemplated in WilliamstownBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 10:22PM / Tuesday, July 04, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — July Fourth celebrations Tuesday included a reminder that the land the American Revolution freed from Great Britain was first taken from its original inhabitants. "Williamstown was a part of the original homelands of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community," Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians President Shannon Holsey told a crowd gathered in Williams College's Sawyer Library. "Today, Williamstown is constituted by Mohican land agreements negotiated in 1758 and in 1763 with our Mohican sachems. At that time, they were facing colonial pressures, which forced signing of treasured places, such as the one here today, as we sought to 0 Comments Read More >> |
Williams College Making Efforts to Preserve Founding Documents04:16PM / Monday, July 03, 2023 | | WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Berkshire residents have long had the chance to peruse some of the nation's founding documents — without taking a trip to Washington, D.C. But the fragile records on display at Williams College will be soon be stored away for preservation and taken out only for special occasions, like Tuesday's annual reading in the Library Quad. Since 1987, the Founding Documents, as they are known at the college, have been on permanent display in the Chapin Gallery at Sawyer Library. But while sunlight may be a great political disinfectant, it is an antagonist of paper and ink. The documents include a draft of the U.S. 0 Comments Read More >> |
Letter: Fireworks Costly, Dangerous & ToxicLetter to the Editor, 01:30PM / Monday, July 03, 2023 | |
 To the Editor: I wrote the paragraph below on the Williamstown Facebook page regarding this year's fireworks plans. My comments are just as applicable to every town in the county and every city across America that plans a fireworks display. The experience of Canadian forest fires' smoke-filled air blocking out the otherwise sunny sky above should give us all pause about how we have historically celebrated the 4th with fireworks. Everything about life as we had come to expect it is now in flux: hotter summers, warmer winters, more frequent and more severe weather, rising sea levels, worsening air quality, more global pandemics. We are a caring, educated and progressive community
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Clark Art Weekly Tai Chi Program 12:11PM / Monday, July 03, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Clark Art Institute offers community tai chi on Mondays in July and August (July 10, 17, 24, and 31 and August 7, 14, 21, and 28) at 10 am. The weekly program takes place near the Reflecting Pool. This free weekly class, led by certified instructors from Berkshire Tai Chi, is well-suited for both experienced practitioners and newcomers. Comfortable clothing and footwear are encouraged. Free. Rain cancels this event. Cancellations will be posted to the website by 9 am the day of the class. For more information, visit 0 Comments Read More >> |
WCMA to Host 'Art & Beer' Summer Program04:06PM / Friday, June 30, 2023 | |
 WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Williams College Museum of Art will present the first program in the "Construct Your Own Meaning" summer series—an exploration of the museum's permanent collection through the lens of local craft beer—on Thursday, July 6, at 5 p.m. Oregon-based artist and seasoned beer industry expert Eric Steen has invited three local brewers to interact with the art collection, dialogue with museum staff about the collection, select one or more artworks for inspiration, and brew new beers inspired by the artwork. Visitors will have the opportunity to drink the beers, mingle with the brewers, and learn how beer can also be a type of
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Local Higher Ed Officials React to Supreme Court Affirmative Action RulingBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 01:23PM / Thursday, June 29, 2023 | | WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Massachusetts officials were quick to react Thursday to a pair of U.S. Supreme Court rulings that dealt a blow to generations of efforts to achieve equity in higher education through affirmative action efforts. In a 6-2 decision, with Justice Keganji Brown Jackson recusing, the court struck down the affirmative action program at Harvard University. And in a 6-3 decision, the court similarly ruled against a program at the University of North Carolina. Williams College President Maud Mandel quickly announced that the decisions will not change the college's "core values" of diversity, inclusion and access. "We especially want 0 Comments Read More >> |
Clark Art Presents Weekly Watercolor Program12:16PM / Thursday, June 29, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Clark Art Institute offers drop-in watercolor painting on Thursdays in July and August (July 6, 13, 20, and 27 and August 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31) from 1–4 pm. The weekly program takes place on the Clark Center's Fernández Terrace. Visitors are invited to pick up a miniature watercolor kit and try their hand at plein air painting on the Clark's 140-acre campus. See the landscape with new eyes after getting inspired by the Clark's special exhibition, Edvard Munch: Trembling Earth, or by the permanent collection galleries. Watercolor kits include paint, paper, miniature palette, and optional painting prompts. 0 Comments Read More >> |
Williamstown First Congregational Church Welcomes Pastor08:46AM / Thursday, June 29, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The First Congregational Church-Williamstown announced the impending arrival of our new settled pastor following a nationwide search. The Rev. Deanna Shorb will assume her duties effective July 1 -ending our period of interim ministry that was ably served by the Reverend Mark Seifried and Bridge Minister Reverend James Lumsden. Shorb studied theater in college and came to Williamstown in the late 1980s to work in the Williams theater program. She thrived in the theater program but also started to evolve towards a "call" to the ministry through her service work of establishing a soup kitchen in North Adams and a chapter of Habitat for 0 Comments Read More >> |
Mount Greylock Regional High School Fourth Quarter Honor Roll08:27AM / Thursday, June 29, 2023 | | Total school enrollment 537 of which 301 have made Honor Roll for the 4th quarter Honor Roll Grade 12 Ainsley Abel, Bryn Angelini, Annabelle Art, Moby Asch, Seamus Barnes, Elizabeth Bertolino, Henrik Bingemann, Elena Caplinger, Hannah Chase, Cailean Fippinger, Emma Gilooly, Emma Gray, Arthur Greenfield, Dylen Harrison, Ezra Holzapfel, Lucy Igoe, Lily Jayko, Lyla Kocsis, Clarissa Louis, Dakota Marquis, Will Marsh, Maxwell McAlister, Patrick McConnell, Altan McIntosh, Olivia McKeon, Emma Newberry, Zenalyssa Packer, Beatrice Pedroni, Sarah Polumbo, Andres Sanchez, Foster Savitsky, Jennah Simpson, Kiersten Simpson, Molly Sullivan, Rose Sutter, Samuel Tucker-Smith, 0 Comments Read More >> |
Museum Set to Open in Lee, Seeks VolunteersCommunity submission, 06:37AM / Thursday, June 29, 2023 | |
LEE, Mass. -- The Baseball in the Berkshires Museum will open its summer 2023 exhibit at the Lee Premium Outlets on Thursday, July 6. Visitors will have a chance to learn about stories rooted in baseball diamonds and corn fields from Sheffield to North Adams. "With summers short and winters long, we find that the history of Berkshire County baseball is not only rich with numerous major and minor league players but also many recreational players," museum director Larry Moore said. "These athletes’ dreams are fulfilled on the numerous local diamonds. Additionally, there are many famous players with connections to the Berkshires. Griffey, Maddox, Ruth, 0 Comments Read More >> |
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