News and events in Williamstown, Mass.
Sweetwood Owner Back Before Williamstown Planning BoardBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 05:33AM / Friday, July 21, 2023 | | WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — A representative from the Sweetwood Independent Living Community last week opened a dialogue with the Planning Board about creating a potential zoning bylaw amendment to help the facility stay economically viable. But attorney Karla Chaffee offered no new language to replace the amendments the landowner proposed and later withdrew for last May's annual town meeting. "If the message from the board is, 'You bring a proposal to us,' that's fine as well," Chaffee said in a video conference with the four members at the board's July 11 meeting. "I was heartened by comments we heard at the last Planning Board meeting that 0 Comments Read More >> |
5 Berkshire Farms Getting $550K in Grant Funding01:21PM / Thursday, July 20, 2023 | | CHICOPEE, Mass. — Five farms in Berkshire County are benefiting from more than $26.3 million in agricultural grants announced by Gov. Maura Healey on Thursday. The grants through the Food Security Infrastructure Grant Program are to strengthen Massachusetts' food supply system and mitigate future food supply and distribution disruption issues. For the first time in the history of the program, the administration prioritized projects that support organizations impacted by drought or extreme weather events. Fairfields Dairy Farm LLC in Williamstown is getting $217,300; Cavu Farms in Cheshire, $223,170; Berkshire Bounty in Great Barrington, $67,371.89; Holiday Brook Farm 0 Comments Read More >> |
New Berkshires ABA Basketball Franchise Holds Tryouts this WeekendBy Stephen Dravis, Sports 11:56AM / Wednesday, July 19, 2023 | |
PITTSFIELD, Mass. – The largest professional sports league in the world is coming to the Berkshires, and the league’s newest owner is looking to find local talent to fill out his roster. Ellis Green acquired a franchise in the American Basketball Association with hopes of giving players a chance “to express their love and dedication to the game.” This weekend at the Berkshire Family YMCA, aspiring pros will have a chance to prove their skills and earn a spot on the Berkshire Mountaineers, who are set to launch their inaugural season this fall. Tryouts are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the 292 North St. facility. The 0 Comments Read More >> |
Lenox Soccer Program Seeks Newcomers from Pre-K to Fourth GradeCommunity submission, 06:36AM / Monday, July 17, 2023 | | LENOX, Mass. -- Beginning soccer players in pre-kindergarten through fourth grade are welcome to join the Mighty Kickers program this fall. The development program is open to children from any community. Sessnions are held Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at Lenox Memorial Middle and High School from Sept. 9 through Oct. 21, except for Oct. 7. Players will meet with a certified coach or high school varsity or college level player to learn the basics of the sport through fun games and drills. The program is organized by Lenox Youth Soccer in conjuntion with the Lenox Youth Football Club. Pre-K participants must be 4 years old by Sept. 9. The cost is 0 Comments Read More >> |
WCMA to Host Musicians as Part of Summer Series10:56AM / Saturday, July 15, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Williams College Museum of Art will present the second program in the "Construct Your Own Meaning" summer series, an exploration of the museum's permanent collection through the lens of local musicians, on Thursday, July 20, at 5 p.m. In collaboration with museum staff, Andrea Belair, co-owner of Belltower Records in North Adams, Mass., has selected musicians from a range of musical backgrounds who will each compose five- to 10-minute pieces inspired by an artwork in Remixing the Hall. Featured musicians include: Mirabel Thompson Boyer (Williamstown, Mass.), Wednesday Knudsen (Austerlitz, N.Y.), Lemuel Marc (Boston), Father Hotep (Hadley,
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Clark Opens Newest Exhibit 'Humane Ecology: Eight Positions' this SaturdayBy Sabrina Damms, iBerkshires Staff 05:39PM / Friday, July 14, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass.—The Clark Art Institute is opening its newest exhibit "Humane Ecology: Eight Positions" this Saturday, July 15. After entering the second entrance of the museum and a brief drive up the steep hill, passing a bridge, we enter the Lunder Center at Stone Hill parking lot, the first location of the exhibition. We were greeted by the curator and some of the artists who gave us a glimpse into the space that looked much different just hours before the press preview. "It looked very different just hours ago, so you're really getting a fresh, fresh glimpse of it, maybe even a fresh smell of the show," 0 Comments Read More >> |
Clark Art Hosts Tree Walk Around Its Grounds 08:25AM / Friday, July 14, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — On Thursday, July 20 at 5:30 pm, the Clark Art Institute hosts a tree walk led by Horticulturist and Clark Grounds Manager Matthew Noyes. The event begins on the Fernández Terrace by the Clark's reflecting pool. Noyes takes visitors on a walk through the forested landscape of the Clark's grounds on Stone Hill. Throughout the 140 acres of expansive lawns, meadows, and walking trails, the tour highlights the basics of New England tree identification, ongoing stewardship of the Clark's grounds, and the sustainability practices in place to preserve the Clark's natural resources. Free. Advance registration required; 0 Comments Read More >> |
Weekend Outlook: Dalton Day, Live Music, and MoreBy Sabrina Damms, iBerkshires Staff 12:25PM / Thursday, July 13, 2023 | |
There will be a variety of events in the Berkshires this weekend including community events, concerts, an animation showing, and more. *Do you want your market or event included in the outlook? Email Editor’s Pick Dalton Day Senior Center, Dalton Time: 1 to 5 p.m The Dalton Cultural Council will be hosting its first "Dalton Day" event on Saturday, July 15 to celebrate the town's culture and community. During the event there will be around five or six town committees with tables to demonstrate the volunteer opportunities available. In addition, the Senior Center's lawn 0 Comments Read More >> |
Clark Art Presents Opening lecture for 'Humane Ecology'08:03AM / Wednesday, July 12, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — On Saturday, July 15, in conjunction with the opening of "Humane Ecology: Eight Positions," the Clark Art Institute hosts a lecture by Curator of Contemporary Projects Robert Wiesenberger. The lecture is presented in the Clark's auditorium at 2 pm. According to a press release: Featuring eight contemporary artists who consider the intertwined natural and social dimensions of ecological relationships, the exhibition includes sculpture, sound installation, video, and plantings. Each artist represents a distinct approach and place, or "position," and the complex dynamics between living things and their environments 0 Comments Read More >> |
Williamstown Makes Salary Adjustments for Library StaffBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 04:35AM / Wednesday, July 12, 2023 | | WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The town instituted salary adjustments for underpaid library employees in time for the start of the fiscal year that began on July 1, the town manager reported on Monday evening. Bob Menicocci told the Select Board that some of those salary increases were "in the neighborhood of a 25 percent adjustment." "I'm happy to report those adjustments are made," said Menicocci, who recently began his second year in the corner office at town hall. Menicocci said the changes to the compensation structure at the Milne Public Library were made in consultation with members of the institution's Board of Trustees. This 0 Comments Read More >> |
Williamstown Board of Health Presses Neighbors to Resolve Rooster IssueBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 02:16PM / Tuesday, July 11, 2023 | | WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Board of Health Monday encouraged residents engaged in a dispute over roosters on White Oaks Road to work out a compromise between them. But the parties' words at the meeting made it clear that they have some work to do to find common ground. James Abdou of 392 White Oaks Road was back before the board to ask that it enforce the town's "Nuisance and Noisome Trades" regulation to abate the quality of life issue caused by the roosters kept on his neighbor's property. At Monday morning's meeting, Abdou accused his neighbor of "weaponizing" the town's 2006 adoption of the Right to Farm 0 Comments Read More >> |
Composting with Bears in Mind08:06AM / Sunday, July 09, 2023 | |
MONTPELIER, Vt. — The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department says many people are having problems with bears looking for food near their homes, and with the food scrap ban in effect the department is providing tips for people who are composting at home so they can avoid attracting hungry bears. "We have been receiving lots of reports of bears on decks, tearing down bird feeders, wrecking beehives, killing chickens, and getting into trash, compost and garbage containers," said bear biologist Jaclyn Comeau. "We are offering some guidance on how to compost at home without attracting bears." "First though, to deter bears, bird feeders need to be taken
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