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News and events in Williamstown, Mass.

Clark Art Screens 'Saat Hindustani'
04:14PM / Monday, April 24, 2023
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — On Thursday, April 27 at 6 pm, the Clark Art Institute screens "Saat Hindustani" in its auditorium in the Manton Research Center.    Artist Suneil Sanzgiri introduces the film and addresses its historical context and the film's relation to his own practice, including his trilogy of short films currently on view at MASS MoCA, North Adams, Massachusetts, as well as his forthcoming first feature-length film, Two Refusals.   According to a press release:   One of the only films made about the liberation of Goa from Portuguese colonialism, Saat Hindustani (1969; 2 hours, 24 minutes) was made nine years after the Goan independence and


Best Stretches To Do Before Gardening
08:22AM / Monday, April 24, 2023
With longer, warmer days finally here, flower beds and vegetable gardens are calling out for our attention. From raking and pruning to weeding and gathering downed limbs, even just an hour or two of effort can leave your yard looking terrific. But, if you don’t adequately prepare your body for the physical exertion the work requires, you can end up achy and sore for days, or worse yet, injured, and unable to tend to your yard and garden at all.   To avoid this uncomfortable fate, take a few minutes to ready your major muscle groups prior to activity and to help those same muscles cool down when you’re done.   Some simple stretches to do both before after gardening


SVHC Weekly Health Update: April 21
08:19AM / Monday, April 24, 2023

April 21, 2023

Weekend Warriors Take Note

With warmer days finally here, flower beds and vegetable gardens have our attention. Don't end up achy and sore from physically exerting yourself in the garden. Check out these seven stretches to make yard work easier on your


Pine Cobble Summer Camp Registration
08:15AM / Monday, April 24, 2023
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Pine Cobble School's summer camp offers a range of activities for children ages 2.9 years old and older.   The program runs June 26 to Aug. 25 equaling 9 weeks in total.   Pathfinders Camp Ages 2 years 9 months through 4 years old   Explorers Camp Ages 5 through 6 years old   Adventurers Camp Ages 7+   The weekly themes for each camp follow: June 26 – June 30: Let Your Imagination Run Wild (Art week) July 3 – July 7: Super Scientist (Science week) July 10 – July 14: Into the Woods (Nature week) July 17 – July 21: Puppets and Storytelling (Theater week) July 24 – July 28: Master Builders


Williamstown Select Board Candidates Speak on Town Issues
By Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff
05:20PM / Saturday, April 22, 2023
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Three candidates will vie for two seats on the Select Board in the May 9 town election.    Incumbent Andrew Hogeland and newcomers Stephanie Boyd and Paul Harsch are the only races on the ballot.    A fourth candidate, Andrea "Andi" Bryant, told that she has withdrawn from the race due to a family emergency, but her name will appear on the ballot. asked the three candidates for the two Select Board seats a series of questions. They can be found on the election page here.   


WCMA to Host Tattoo Session, Meditations With Tibetan Lama
12:27PM / Friday, April 21, 2023
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Williams College Museum of Art will host Lama Tashi Norbu, one of the artists featured in the current exhibition "Across Shared Waters: Contemporary Artists In Dialogue with Tibetan Art" from the Jack Shear Collection, for three programs from April 25-27, culminating in a live tattooing session at WCMA.   Tashi Norbu will lead drop-in meditation sessions in the galleries from 5 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 25, and Wednesday, April 26.   On Thursday, April 27, the artist will tattoo a participant from the community, basing the design on Tibetan astrology and the recipient's own personal Buddhist mantra. During this live performance,


Williamstown Finance Committee Members: Town Needs to Grow Tax Base
By Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff
02:17PM / Wednesday, April 19, 2023
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Members of the Finance Committee this month called on the town to encourage more economic development in order to increase the tax base.   The comments came toward the end of the committee's annual review of the town's budget.   After the panel recommended the fiscal year 2024 budget for approval at the May 16 town meeting,  Chair Melissa Cragg referenced a windfall the town received this year when the Cable Mills apartments on Water Street were converted to condominiums, completing a process that began when the housing development opened in 2016.   "Isn't it nice to have some significant growth in here?" Cragg asked


Williamstown Rural Lands Foundation Completes Purchase of Farmland
Community Submission,
10:06AM / Wednesday, April 19, 2023
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Through a combined effort of the Select Board and peer land trusts, and with generous support from the community, Williamstown Rural Lands Foundation last week purchased 10 acres of active farmland on Oblong Road with frontage on a scenic byway, preserving both farming and a view of Mount Greylock.   The Trustees of Reservations will buy the development rights for the parcel from Rural Lands, placing a farm-forward conservation restriction on it, thereby preserving the land in perpetuity.   "This was a special opportunity to protect a unique piece of land and many people deserve credit for this acquisition," WRLF President Greg Islan said.


Clark Art to Screen 'Metropolis'
12:36PM / Tuesday, April 18, 2023
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — On Thursday, April 20 at 6 pm, the Clark Art Institute screens "Metropolis" in its auditorium, located in the Manton Research Center.    Presented in connection with the Clark's exhibition "Portals: The Visionary Architecture of Paul Goesch," this is the third event in the Clark's five-part series, Visionary Architecture on Film. The film series explores themes related to Paul Goesch's life and work in early twentieth-century Germany.    According to a press release:    In a futuristic city marked by extreme inequality, the wealthy live lavishly in skyscrapers while workers toil underground, operating


SVHC Weekly Health Update: April 14
08:51AM / Tuesday, April 18, 2023

April 14, 2023

Could You Have Long COVID?

While you may be ready to be done with COVID, there's a chance that it isn't done with you. Discover what you need to know about long COVID and what lingering symptoms could


Cancer Charity Gives Check to Williamstown Family
By Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff
06:13AM / Monday, April 17, 2023

Kevin Calnan of Cops for Kids with Cancer gives some gifts to Richard.   WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — A Boston-based charity Sunday joined a local boy's battle against cancer.   For more than 20 years, Cops for Kids with Cancer has been raising money and supporting families of children living with childhood cancer throughout New England.   On Sunday, Kevin Calnan, a retired State Police officer and member of the Cops for Kids with Cancer Board of Directors, visited the home of Richard Rubio Andrade, 5, and his family to present a check for $5,000.   Calnan was joined by members of the Williamstown Police Department, including Chief Michael Ziemba and K-9


Mount Greylock Committee Talks Behavior, 'Bias' Language Incidents
By Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff
05:39AM / Monday, April 17, 2023
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Mount Greylock Regional School District is looking for a way to address the use of "bias-based" language in the schools.   "There is some use of language, particularly in the middle/high school, and it's every middle/high school in America, there is the use of language that every student in the building is old enough to know not to use," Superintendent Jason McCandless told the School Committee on Thursday night. "Those are words that should never come out of your mouth.   "Even though I've been in education for 30 years, there have been times when I have been utterly taken aback by the casual use of some


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