News and events in Williamstown, Mass.
Williamstown on Track to Try Electronic Voting at Town MeetingBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 02:44PM / Friday, March 31, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Select Board on Monday moved forward with a plan to have this May's annual town meeting try out an electronic vote-gathering device. The meeting began with a presentation from Peter Babel of Meridia Interactive Solutions, who explained how the company's interactive "clickers" could be used to expedite the voting process at town meeting. The five members of the board got to hold sample clickers, and Babel and Town Clerk Nicole Pedercini discussed how Williamstown could follow the path set by towns like nearby Lanesborough and implement electronic voting. Chair Hugh Daley provided some anecdotal evidence of the 0 Comments Read More >> |
Clark Art Presents Lecture on 'Portals'12:33PM / Friday, March 31, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — On Saturday, April 8 at 2 pm, the Clark Art Institute hosts a lecture by exhibition curator Robert Wiesenberger on Paul Goesch, the subject of "Portals: The Visionary Architecture of Paul Goesch," on view in the Eugene V. Thaw Gallery for Works on Paper through June 11, 2023. The free talk is presented in the Clark’s auditorium, located in the Manton Research Center. According to a press release: Goesch (1885–1940) produced one of the most inventive, peculiar, and poignant bodies of work to emerge from Weimar Germany. An artist and architect, he made both fanciful figurative drawings and visionary architectural 0 Comments Read More >> |
Mount Greylock School Committee Advances Administration's Budget ProposalBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 05:02AM / Friday, March 31, 2023 | | WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Mount Greylock Regional School District on Thursday advanced a budget that meets the cost expectations of governments in the district's member towns. On a vote of 6-1, the committee voted to approve a fiscal year 2024 spending plan that would result in a 3.16 percent increase in the assessment to Williamstown and a 3 percent increase in the assessment to Lanesborough. The budget represents a 4.6 percent increase in the district's operating budget, which is partially offset by an increase in state aid. But, as proposed by the district's administration earlier this month, the FY24 budget does not include funding for a 0 Comments Read More >> |
Clark Art Screens 'Love and Anarchy'12:10PM / Thursday, March 30, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — On Thursday, March 30 at 6 pm, the Clark Art Institute screens "Love and Anarchy" in its auditorium, located in the Manton Research Center. The showing is the third event in the Clark's five-part series, Manton 50th Anniversary Film Series: Films of 1973, featuring some of the great cinematic highlights of a remarkable year. According to a press release: A tragicomedy from director Lina Wertmuller, "Love and Anarchy" (1973; 2 hours, 2 minutes), plumbs the depths of fascist Italy from the perspective of a simple farm boy sent to kill Mussolini. Giancarlo Giannini won the best acting prize at the Cannes Film 0 Comments Read More >> |
Mount Greylock School District's Draft Spending Plan Hits Towns' TargetBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 05:24AM / Thursday, March 30, 2023 | | WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — The Mount Greylock Regional School District on Wednesday presented the town's Finance Committee with a draft budget that includes a 3.16 percent increase in the town's assessment for fiscal year 2024. That, in part, allowed the town manager to present a bottom line budget with no projected property tax rate increase for the coming fiscal year. The Mount Greylock School Committee on Thursday will have the final say on the school's FY24 spending plan. The draft budget presented on Wednesday included at least one reduction from FY23 that several members of the School Committee are on record opposing: a one-year pause on funding a director 0 Comments Read More >> |
Letter: MA State Building Codes — Shower Glass10:45AM / Wednesday, March 29, 2023 | |
 To the editor: This is a followup to my previous letter "Building Codes Put Homeowners in the Middle." Believe it or not, we are still working on this issue! Ryan Contenta, Williamstown building inspector, continues to withhold a Certificate of Occupancy, taking a stand against shower glass. We need an amendment to our state law that allows for an affidavit or detailed stickers to be used in lieu of etching, which involves use of a toxic chemical. It's also difficult to clearly stamp all of these lines of code. Over-Regulated Mass: Todd Fiorentino 0 Comments Read More >> |
Clark Art First Free Sunday08:09AM / Wednesday, March 29, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass.—The Clark Art Institute's First Sunday Free program continues on Sunday, April 2, offering free admission to the galleries and special exhibitions from 10 am–5 pm, a series of special activities from 1–4 pm, and a pop-up display of works on paper on view from 11 am–1 pm. April's theme is "Portals," complementing the Clark's latest exhibition "Portals: The Visionary Architecture of Paul Goesch." According to a press release: After walking through "Portals: The Visionary Architecture of Paul Goesch," transport yourself through a portal of imagination and creativity. Build your own "fantasy 0 Comments Read More >> |
Letter: Comment on DEI in Mount Greylock School Budget04:15PM / Tuesday, March 28, 2023 | |
 To the Editor: "Mount Greylock School Committee Members Push to Keep Diversity Post in Budget" (March 27) prompts responses from Lanesborough, Williamstown and other towns that send their students to the Mount Greylock Regional School District. The DEI position has been a source of controversy since its creation. There is little, if any, disagreement that our communities want our schools to be welcoming and free of bias. The controversy stems from determining the best way to achieve this goal. Superintendent McCandless was spot on when he said that advocating for the schools "in complete isolation of the bigger picture ... is not a good recipe for actually getting a budget
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United Counseling Service to Host Spring Job Fair12:01PM / Tuesday, March 28, 2023 | |
BENNINGTON, Vt. — United Counseling Service (UCS) is hosting a spring job fair on April 1, 2023, from 9-11am at the Coffee Bar in downtown Bennington. Job seekers can stop by to meet the UCS Human Resources team and learn more about opportunities at one of the biggest employers in Bennington County. UCS is also hosting an on-site career fair on April 6 from 4-7pm at its Ledge Hill Drive location. Visitors will be able to meet representatives from different departments to get an idea of what a career at UCS could look like for them. UCS provides community-based care at 15 facilities in Bennington County and offers developmental services, Head 0 Comments Read More >> |
Hoosac Water Quality District Facing Prospect of Losing Compost OperationBy Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff 05:28AM / Tuesday, March 28, 2023 | | WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — North Adams and Williamstown could be facing considerably higher sewer fees in the near future if the commonwealth ends a 40-year-old composting program. Hoosac Water Quality District Chief Operator Brad Furlon broke the news to the Williamtown Finance Committee in his presentation of the district's fiscal year 2024 spending plan. "There's always been revenues for septage fees and compost fees," Furlon said on Wednesday. "The district was the first facility in the commonwealth to start composting in the early 1980s. … Well, that looks like it's coming to an end. "Because of the emerging contaminants 0 Comments Read More >> |
Why Your Child Should Play Team Sports11:03AM / Monday, March 27, 2023 | |
 Throughout our region, sign-ups for youth sports are in full swing. From soccer and lacrosse to baseball and softball, kids are eagerly awaiting opening day. And while most of us are familiar with physical benefits of regular exercise for kids, research has revealed another important reason to get kids in the game: improved emotional and mental health. According to a study published in the journal PLOS One, children who participated in team sports were 10 percent less anxious/depressed and 19 percent less withdrawn/depressed than those who did not participate in any sports. In an interesting comparison, those who participated in individual sports, such as tennis or wrestling,
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Clark Art Lecture on Ancient and Modern 'Body Worlds'08:29AM / Monday, March 27, 2023 | |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — On Tuesday, April 4 at 5:30 pm, the Clark Art Institute's Research and Academic Program hosts a talk by Research and Academic Program Fellow Kathryn Howley, who argues that the bodily preoccupation of ancient Egyptian art is one reason why it has proven appealing to modern audiences, ever since the beginnings of modern Egyptology in Napoleon's expedition to Egypt in 1798. According to a press release, by analyzing the original sketches made by members of Napoleon's expedition as well as the resulting engravings published in the book "Description de l'Égypte" (1809–1820), this lecture demonstrates that although 0 Comments Read More >> |
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