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Anita Jennings, 70

January 08, 2015

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Anita Jennings, 70, of 54 Mill St. died on Thursday, Jan. 8, 2015, at her home.

Born in North Adams on Dec. 30, 1944, a daughter of Oliff and Blanche Coppersmith Harwood, she graduated from the former Williamstown High School.

Mrs. Jennings was employed for more than 25 years as a cafeteria worker at Williamstown Elementary School.

She was a devoted mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was a fan of the Boston Red Sox and enjoyed watching football, especially the Patriots.

Her husband, William Calvin Jennings, whom she married on May 8, 1965, died Aug. 18, 2008.

She leaves two daughters, Tammy A. Jennings of Williamstown and Tracy A. Peterson and her husband, Justin Peterson Sr., of Auburn, Ga.; two sons, William C. Jennings and his wife, Tammy L., of Williamstown and Walter C. Jennings and his companion, Shaunna Porter, of Pittsfield; three brothers, Austin Harwood, Harry Harwood and Leonard Harwood; 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

She was predeceased by her sister, Geraldine Kornn, and two brothers Frederick and Moses Harwood.

FUNERAL NOTICE — A funeral to celebrate the life of Mrs. Jennings will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 13, at 1 p.m. at Flynn & Dagnoli-Montagna Home for Funerals, West Chapels, 521 West Main St., North Adams. Burial will follow in the Eastlawn Cemetery, Williamstown.

Calling hour will be held on Tuesday from noon until the time of the funeral.

Recollections & Sympathy For the Family
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The money you have to pay just to put a obituary in the paper you would thing they could get right...I miss you so much..from your daughter Tracy Peterson Auburn GA.
from: Anita Jennigson: 10-23-2015

The money you have to pay just to put a obituary in the paper you would thing they could get right...I miss you so much..from your daughter Tracy Peterson Auburn GA.
from: Anita Jennigson: 10-23-2015

It should say Justin Jennings Sr not Peterson.
Who is married to Tammy A. Jennings of Williamstown Ma

Editor: This is what was provided by the funeral home. If this is in error, I suggest contacting them for a correction.
from: Billon: 01-21-2015

I think you have some dates turned around here. The obit says Mrs. Jennings got married in August 2008 & that her husband died in May 1965.

Editor's note: The dates were transposed. Thank you for pointing that out.
from: Michael Putnamon: 01-12-2015 is owned and operated by: Boxcar Media 102 Main Sreet, North Adams, MA 01247 -- T. 413-663-3384
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