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David E. Ledger, 78

April 01, 2015

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — David E. Ledger, 78, of McCallum Drive, Old Orchard Beach, Maine, formerly of Williamstown, died Wednesday, April 1, 2015, at the Maine Medical Center.

Born in Williamstown on June 3, 1936, son of Oliver and Dorothy Griffin Ledger, he grew up in Williamstown and attended the former Williamstown High School.

Mr. Ledger was the proprietor of Ledger's Logging business with his son, Andrew, until his retirement. He had earlier worked for the Williamstown Highway Department for 20 years. He later moved to Maine and worked in security at Pinehurst Resort for many years.

He was a member of the Williamstown Fire Department and a forest warden. He was a member of Faith Lighthouse Church in Old Orchard Beach for more than 20 years. He was also a member of Green Mountain Club of Vermont

He was an avid fisherman and hunter and a member of the National Rifle Association. He hiked the whole Long Trail, High Peaks and Mount Washington. An avid sports fan, he loved the Yankees, Patriots and Boston Bruins. He also coached the Mount Greylock Regional School ice hockey team and was a Royal Ranger Scout leader.

He leaves his wife of 58 years, the former Hazel Chicoine; his son, Andrew Ledger and his wife, Cheryl, of Saco, Maine; three daughters, Ruth Miller and her husband, Mark, Wanda Haley and her husband, Robert, all of North Adams, and Pamela Shea and her husband, James, of Williamstown; a sister, Elaine Ely Leonard and her husband, Lawrence, of Williamstown; six grandchildren, Jeremy Miller, Jenna Haley Beagle, Christy Haley, Markell Shea, Cassidy Shea and Isabella Ledger; a nephew, Jordon Ely, and a great-grandchild, Lucas Miller.

He was predeceased by his grandson Scott Miller and nephew Peter Ely.

FUNERAL NOTICE — A memorial service for Mr. Ledger will be held Saturday, April 18, at 11 a.m., at Blackinton Union Church, North Adams, with Pastor Gene Kemp presiding.

For those wishing, memorial contributions may be made to the Blackinton Union Church's Youth Group in care of the church, 1373 Massachusetts Ave., North Adams, MA 01247.

Recollections & Sympathy For the Family
Post Comment
Many young boys remember Dave as a man who took of his time to teach us all about hiking and camping. He taught us to respect the outdoors and to respect ourselves. He showed us though his example what a real man of God is. That living a good christian life was more than just words but a way of life. Many young boys grew up to be good men because of dave, and I thank him for what he taught me. I will miss him but he is now with God and happy. Thank you dave.
from: Robert Haleyon: 04-09-2015

I have not seen Dave in a few years I have fond memories of him. My sincere condolences.
from: Steve Joneson: 04-08-2015

There are no words to say that can let you know how sorry I am about Dave's passing. It's great for Dave but hard for the ones who are left. I pray for the Lord's peace to cover Hazel and Dave's children and families during this time. Dave and Hazel mean so much to me. He will never be forgotten.
from: Lyn Wilsonon: 04-08-2015

To the entire Ledger family, sorry to hear of Dave's passing. Keeping you all in our prayers.
from: Carole ( Cote ) Perrason: 04-07-2015

May God bring peace to all of you in this time of loss. Dave was a great guy and we have never forgotten all both he and Hazel did for us as a young couple. RIP Dave
from: Ray & Robin Martinon: 04-07-2015

Pam and family, so very sorry to hear about the passing of your dad/grandpa....peace and prayers to all of you in this difficult time. Claire, Celeste, & Olivia
from: Claire Morinon: 04-07-2015

Wanda so sorry to hear about your Dad passing away.I will keep him in our prayers.I send out my condolences to your whole family.
from: wendy & don linneanon: 04-06-2015 is owned and operated by: Boxcar Media 102 Main Sreet, North Adams, MA 01247 -- T. 413-663-3384
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