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Henry N. Flynt Jr., 92

July 11, 2015

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Henry N. "Hank" Flynt Jr., 92, of South Street, a well-known civic activist, died quietly, but reluctantly, on Saturday, July 11, 2015, in Williamstown. He had suffered from chronic fatigue since winter 2002.

He was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Aug. 12, 1922, because his parents, Henry Needham and Helen Geier Flynt, lived there. Moving to Connecticut at age 7 to seek a better life, he then attended Deerfield Academy, followed by Williams College, graduating with the class of 1944.

Enlisting in the Army during World War II, he saw endless cadre duty, then a year in the Philippines as a staff sergeant with the incomparable Combat Engineers.

Mr. Flynt became employed by Williams College in 1950 as director of financial aid, a position which grew into many other areas of college administration and to the title of associate dean of graduate fellowships, academic prizes, summer adviser, Officer Candidate Programs consultant and freshman soccer coach (57-41-11). From 1975 to 2009, he was manager of the Williams Octet Alumni for their annual concerts. From 1986 to 1991, he was a less than benign "czar" of the Faculty Club Bowling League.

After his discharge from the service, he had first worked a year at Deerfield Academy, trying to repay Headmaster Frank Boyden for "all the important values he instilled in me as a below-average student."

He attended First Congregational Church, serving at times as clerk, deacon, trustee and for nine years as moderator. A member of Rotary International since 1953, he also served 15 years as a trustee at Pine Cobble School, four of those as chairman. He served as president of the Community Chest for two years, as director of the former National Bank, and on the boards of the House of Local History, Rural Lands Foundation, Williamstown Theatre Festival (1961 to 2008), and the Historic Commission. He was also a member of the 1753 Bicentennial Committee and co-chairman of the 1765 Bicentennial Committee, and construction foreman of the 1753 House in Field Park.

Outside of town, he served on the former North Adams Draft Board and as its chairman in 1972 and on the former Helpline Board for 21 years, and had been a trustee since 1952 of Historic Deerfield, including 17 years as chairman.

Changing gears, Mr. Flynt commuted to work by bicycle for 38 years, played squash and tennis, hiked, cross-country skied – all with quiet vengeance. Hobbies included motion and still photography, lawn mowing, and puttering.

His awards include Scarborough Community Service (1992), Community Chest Good Citizen (with his wife, Mary, 1998), Bicentennial Medal (Williams College, 1999), Honorary Doctor of Humanities (Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, 2001), and the Hayden Award (with Mary, 2001).

The former Mary Elizabeth Ames of Northampton graciously accepted him as her husband at a ceremony in September 1950 at the Brick Church in Deerfield. Together they then bore Juliet (1951), William (1953), Robert (1956) and Cynthia (1959), to be followed generationally by grandchildren Clark (aka Molly) and Emma Flynt, and Sophie and Malcolm Kriegel.

Mrs. Flynt died on Jan. 20, 2014.

FUNERAL NOTICE — A memorial service for Mr. Flynt will be held Monday, Aug. 3, at 11 at First Congregational Church, Williamstown, followed by a reception.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to First Congregational Church of Williamstown, MA 01267, or Historic Deerfield Inc., Box 321, Deerfield, MA 01342.

Hank's children and Paula Wells, Suzanne Flynt, Jeff McMahon and David Kriegel would like to thank AtHome TLC (especially Chelsea Gancarz and Stephen Michalenko), Dr. Win Stuebner, and Bernadette Kozik of Berkshire VNA & Hospice.

For further information, please visit Flynn & Dagnoli-Montagna Home for Funerals.

Recollections & Sympathy For the Family
Post Comment
Hey Bobby and family, so sorry for your loss.
from: Rick Boyntonon: 07-25-2015

Hank was an amazing human being. It was his kindness, friendship and sagacious advice that allowed a Williams scholarship student from a public school in Boston to afford a Williams education Besides the grants he even found a job for me tapping kegs purchased from a Lanesboro Ballantine beer dealer so that a scholarship student could justify having a car!!!! May his memory be a blessing for his family friends and countless Williams students who were recipients of his care.
from: Rabbi Arnie Sher '58on: 07-14-2015 is owned and operated by: Boxcar Media 102 Main Sreet, North Adams, MA 01247 -- T. 413-663-3384
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