MGRS Band to March in New Uniforms01:50PM / Wednesday, May 24, 2023 | |
 | Photo Credit: Bryn Angelini |
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — Mount Greylock Regional School's band will be marching this Memorial Day weekend in new matching polos provided by the MGRS Friends of the Arts.
The Mount Greylock Marching Mounties will be sporting brand new matching black polos this year as they march local parades. A gift from the MGRS Friends of the Arts, the new shirts mark a return to MGRS tradition, where the matching shirts or uniforms were in use for years before the pandemic. Every band, orchestra and chorus student at MGRS, in middle and high school, will be issued a polo to wear during performances, including orchestra and chorus.
"We're very thankful that students have something that's comfortable and looks nice for all performances. It helps identify us as a community," said band director Jacqueline Vinette.
They will perform Sunday, May 28, on Main Street in Hancock, at 11 a.m.; Sunday, May 28, on North Main Street in Lanesborough, at 2 p.m.; and Monday, May 29, on Spring Street in Williamstown, MA, at 11 a.m.
Memorial Day parades in Hancock, Lanesborough and Williamstown are free to the public.